Distributors & Partners

We are searching for distributors

New Zealand
Country Company Contact person Web / E-mail / Phone
Exclusive distributor
BellEquip GmbH Christoph Gattinger https://www.bellequip.at

+43 2822 33 33 994
Belgium MCS N.V. Frank Olsthoorn https://www.mcs-be.com

+32 (0)2 253 53 38
Bosnia and Herzegovina Loop Skupina, d.o.o. Dušan Radovanov http://www.loop.si/

02 / 620 55 70
Bosnia and Herzegovina PRIMOTRONIC D.O.O. Selma Bakija www.primotronic.ba

+387 (0)33 715 435
Bulgaria Bioevibul Ltd. http://bioevibul.com

+359 2 955 9539
Croatia Loop Skupina, d.o.o. Dušan Radovanov http://www.loop.si/

02 / 620 55 70
Croatia PRIMOTRONIC D.O.O. Alan Ivan Blažeković primotronic.hr

+385 1 6191 671
Czech Republic Alternetivo s.r.o. Miroslav Rejsek https://www.alternetivo.cz/

+420 221 771 881
Czech Republic ADI Global Distribution Kamil Štětina https://www.adiglobal.cz

+420 543 558 111
Czech Republic
Exclusive distributor
HW server s.r.o. Petr Burda https://hwserver.cz

Denmark S-Connect www.s-connect.dk

+45 86997996
Estonia LinkPoint Grupp OÜ Marek Alveus http://www.linkpoint.ee/

+372 601 0676
Finland Timeless Technology https://timeless.fi/

+358 44 9988 238
Finland NDC Networks Oy Ilona Munter www. ndc.fi

Exclusive distributor
QL3D Ludovic DEBÔVES https://www.ql3d.fr/

01 34 91 90 20
Germany SPHINX Computer Vertriebs-GmbH Doris Heumeier https://www.sphinxcomputer.de

+49 8638 98 177 13
Germany egnite GmbH Harald Kipp https://shop.egnite.de/

+49 (0) 23 05 / 44 1
Germany Kontron AIS GmbH Jens Hilgner https://www.lucom.de

+49(0)911/ 957606-00
Germany LEUNIG GmbH Thomas Mussnig www.leunig.de

+49 (0) 86319860007
Germany TGIS GmbH Matthias Kirchenwitz www.tgis.de

+49 (0) 4184 897410
Greece ELECTROTRUST SA Irene Tsoumani http://electrotrust.gr/

+30 2107250314
Greece SMARTNET S.A. Iakovos Svolakis http://www.smartnet.gr/

210 9951585
Hungary Macro Budapest kft. Annamaria Papp http://www.monitoringsystem.hu/

Ireland Titan IoT Cormac Haverty www.titan.ie

+353 91 757500
Italy ELSIST S.r.l. Lorenzo Raftacco https://www.elsist.biz

(+39) 0142-451987
Latvia Baltic Project Group SIA Andris Podzins https://bpgroup.lv/

(+371) 67808531
Lithuania UAB "nSoft" Lukas Radvilavičius http://www.nsoft.lt

+370 655 106 55
Lithuania Infopulsas www.infopulsas.lt

+370 655 90814
Macedonia Loop Skupina, d.o.o. Dušan Radovanov http://www.loop.si/

02 / 620 55 70
Moldova Sincro Systems s.r.l. Catalin Gheorghe http://www.sincro.ro

021 320 66 02
Exclusive distributor
MCS B.V. Frank Olsthoorn https://www.mcs-nl.com

+31 (0)88 437 55 55
Norway Direktronik AB Mathias Persson https://www.direktronik.no

+47 55 50 91 50
Norway emcom Alf Møllerud https://www.emcom.no

+47 98226666
Exclusive distributor
Prime Technologies Jakub Michalak http://primetechnologies.pl

+48 775418800
Portugal SA - Soluções em Automação Pedro Pedrosa SA - Soluções em Automação

+351 234 746 952
Romania Sincro Systems s.r.l. Catalin Gheorghe http://www.sincro.ro

021 320 66 02
Serbia PRIMOTRONIC D.O.O. Ivana Knežević www.primotronic.co.rs

+381 (0)21 4758 555
Slovakia Alternetivo s.r.o. Miroslav Rejsek https://www.alternetivo.cz/

+420 221 771 881
Slovakia ADI Global Distribution Kamil Štětina https://www.adiglobal.cz

+420 543 558 111
Exclusive distributor
HW server s.r.o. Petr Burda https://hwserver.cz

Slovenia Loop Skupina, d.o.o. Dušan Radovanov http://www.loop.si/

02 / 620 55 70
Spain Cartronic group Juan José Gómez https://www.cartronic.es/

+34 916588760
Spain Ditecom Design S.L. Daniel Moya Albacete http://www.ditecom.com/

(+34) 91 528 54 37
Spain Rivertic Solutions, S.L Yolanda Flores https://rivertic.com

(+34) 672 86 36 19
Sweden ACANDIA AB Olle Karlstrand https://www.acandia.se

+46-(0)8-52 22 40 31
Sweden Communica Datadistribution AB William Ingram /www.communica.se/

08-441 35 30
Sweden Direktronik AB Mathias Persson https://www.direktronik.se

21 38 17 58
Switzerland INSERTO AG Thomas Seiz www.inserto.ch

+41 41 748 30 00
Switzerland INGRAM MICRO GmbH Tatjana Zeller ch.ingrammicro.eu/microsites/hw-group

Switzerland Delco Controls AG Marco Delcò www.delcocontrols.ch

+41 56 631 68 68
Switzerland ALBRECHT Telecommunications Jens Albrecht www.temperature-sensor.ch

+41 79 287 36 43
Ukraine ALCOMA, LLC Sergii Kliuchko www.alcoma-tele.com.ua

United Kingdom BTI Computer Systems (UK) Ltd. John Moseley http://www.bticomputer.com

01527 598500
United Kingdom Server Room Environments Ltd Projects Team www.serverroomenvironments.co.uk

0800 030 6838
United Kingdom Adey Electronics Lewis Harvey www.adeyelectronics.co.uk

+ 44 (0)1949 844 511
Country Company Contact person Web / E-mail / Phone
Algeria ST COM s.r.o. http://www.st-hw.com/

+420 723 069 809
Algeria ALBRECHT Telecommunications Jens Albrecht www.temperature-sensor.ch

+41 79 287 36 43
Botswana ST COM s.r.o. http://www.st-hw.com/

+420 723 069 809
Botswana ALBRECHT Telecommunications Jens Albrecht www.temperature-sensor.ch

+41 79 287 36 43
Egypt ST COM s.r.o. http://www.st-hw.com/

+420 723 069 809
Egypt ALBRECHT Telecommunications Jens Albrecht www.temperature-sensor.ch

+41 79 287 36 43
Kenya ST COM s.r.o. http://www.st-hw.com/

+420 723 069 809
Kenya ALBRECHT Telecommunications Jens Albrecht www.temperature-sensor.ch

+41 79 287 36 43
Libya ST COM s.r.o. http://www.st-hw.com/

+420 723 069 809
Libya ALBRECHT Telecommunications Jens Albrecht www.temperature-sensor.ch

+41 79 287 36 43
Morocco ST COM s.r.o. http://www.st-hw.com/

+420 723 069 809
Morocco ALBRECHT Telecommunications Jens Albrecht www.temperature-sensor.ch

+41 79 287 36 43
Namibia ST COM s.r.o. http://www.st-hw.com/

+420 723 069 809
Namibia ALBRECHT Telecommunications Jens Albrecht www.temperature-sensor.ch

+41 79 287 36 43
Nigeria ST COM s.r.o. http://www.st-hw.com/

+420 723 069 809
Nigeria ALBRECHT Telecommunications Jens Albrecht www.temperature-sensor.ch

+41 79 287 36 43
South Africa ST COM s.r.o. http://www.st-hw.com/

+420 723 069 809
South Africa ALBRECHT Telecommunications Jens Albrecht www.temperature-sensor.ch

+41 79 287 36 43
Sudan ST COM s.r.o. http://www.st-hw.com/

+420 723 069 809
Sudan ALBRECHT Telecommunications Jens Albrecht www.temperature-sensor.ch

+41 79 287 36 43
Tunisia ST COM s.r.o. http://www.st-hw.com/

+420 723 069 809
Tunisia ALBRECHT Telecommunications Jens Albrecht www.temperature-sensor.ch

+41 79 287 36 43
Zimbabwe ST COM s.r.o. http://www.st-hw.com/

+420 723 069 809
Zimbabwe ALBRECHT Telecommunications Jens Albrecht www.temperature-sensor.ch

+41 79 287 36 43
Country Company Contact person Web / E-mail / Phone
Azerbaijan Baku Automation / Baku Audio Atabak Fekri http://www.bakuautomation.com/

+994 552249116
Brunei Datumstruct (S) Pte Ltd Faith Chew Datumstruct

(65) 6749 0206
Cambodia Datumstruct (S) Pte Ltd Faith Chew Datumstruct

(65) 6749 0206
China Datumstruct (S) Pte Ltd Faith Chew Datumstruct

(65) 6749 0206
Hong Kong S.A.R., China Datumstruct (HK) Ltd Stephen Brian Bacolor https://www.datumstruct.com/

(852) 2802 6948
India AC-HW Karel Novotný https://www.ac-hw.com/

+420 723 216 996

+91 9611281683
India P-SQR Tecknologies GOPALAKRISHNAN. T www.psqr.in

+91 76674 99599
Indonesia Datumstruct (S) Pte Ltd Faith Chew Datumstruct

(65) 6749 0206
Indonesia PT. SPARTADUA RIBUJAYA Dedi Supriadi http://www.sparta2000.com

+6221 47885366
Iran Asia Grich Masoud Keshavarzzadeh http://www.asia-grich.com

Iraq ST COM s.r.o. http://www.st-hw.com/

+420 723 069 809
Iraq ALBRECHT Telecommunications Jens Albrecht www.temperature-sensor.ch

+41 79 287 36 43
Israel BZ-Com Amir Ben-Zeev http://www.bz-com.com

Japan AC-HW Karel Novotný https://www.ac-hw.com/

+420 723 216 996
Japan BKtel Pacific Rim Inc. Kiyoshi Takeichi www.bktel-pacrim.com

Jordan ST COM s.r.o. http://www.st-hw.com/

+420 723 069 809
Jordan ALBRECHT Telecommunications Jens Albrecht www.temperature-sensor.ch

+41 79 287 36 43
Kuwait ST COM s.r.o. http://www.st-hw.com/

+420 723 069 809
Kuwait ALBRECHT Telecommunications Jens Albrecht www.temperature-sensor.ch

+41 79 287 36 43
Laos Datumstruct (S) Pte Ltd Faith Chew Datumstruct

(65) 6749 0206
Lebanon ST COM s.r.o. http://www.st-hw.com/

+420 723 069 809
Lebanon ALBRECHT Telecommunications Jens Albrecht www.temperature-sensor.ch

+41 79 287 36 43
Malaysia Datumstruct (S) Pte Ltd Faith Chew Datumstruct

(65) 6749 0206
Nepal IMAGINE TECHNOLOGY PVT. LTD. Salin Shakya http://www.imagineit.com.np

Philippines Datumstruct (S) Pte Ltd Faith Chew Datumstruct

(65) 6749 0206
Qatar ST COM s.r.o. http://www.st-hw.com/

+420 723 069 809
Qatar ALBRECHT Telecommunications Jens Albrecht www.temperature-sensor.ch

+41 79 287 36 43
Saudi Arabia ST COM s.r.o. http://www.st-hw.com/

+420 723 069 809
Saudi Arabia ALBRECHT Telecommunications Jens Albrecht www.temperature-sensor.ch

+41 79 287 36 43
Singapore Datumstruct (S) Pte Ltd Faith Chew Datumstruct

(65) 6749 0206
South Korea MORIA HIGH-TECH CO ltd. Soon-Bae Lee http://www.moria.kr/

Sri Lanka AC-HW Karel Novotný https://www.ac-hw.com/

+420 723 216 996
Syria ST COM s.r.o. http://www.st-hw.com/

+420 723 069 809
Syria ALBRECHT Telecommunications Jens Albrecht www.temperature-sensor.ch

+41 79 287 36 43
Thailand Datumstruct (S) Pte Ltd Faith Chew Datumstruct

(65) 6749 0206
Thailand MonitoringTechnology Ganvara Premsaman http://www.monitoringtechnology.co.th

Thailand Two Way Contact Limited Partnership Bangkhen Phonthep Thepmontha http://www.twoway.co.th

66 2 948 2702
Timor-Leste Datumstruct (S) Pte Ltd Faith Chew Datumstruct

(65) 6749 0206
Turkey Seber Technology Behcet Seber http://www.seberteknoloji.com/

216 349 55 49
United Arab Emirates ST COM s.r.o. http://www.st-hw.com/

+420 723 069 809
United Arab Emirates ALBRECHT Telecommunications Jens Albrecht www.temperature-sensor.ch

+41 79 287 36 43
Vietnam AC-HW Karel Novotný https://www.ac-hw.com/

+420 723 216 996
Yemen ST COM s.r.o. http://www.st-hw.com/

+420 723 069 809
Yemen ALBRECHT Telecommunications Jens Albrecht www.temperature-sensor.ch

+41 79 287 36 43
North America
Country Company Contact person Web / E-mail / Phone
Canada FirstLight Amy McGeough FirstLight

Costa Rica
Exclusive distributor
Ventronix inc. Corrado De Gennaro Ventronix

(954) 389-7080
Dominican Republic
Exclusive distributor
Ventronix inc. Corrado De Gennaro Ventronix

(954) 389-7080
El Salvador
Exclusive distributor
Ventronix inc. Corrado De Gennaro Ventronix

(954) 389-7080
Exclusive distributor
Ventronix inc. Corrado De Gennaro Ventronix

(954) 389-7080
Exclusive distributor
Ventronix inc. Corrado De Gennaro Ventronix

(954) 389-7080
Mexico Soluciones en Control e Instrumentación, S.A. de C.V Ing. Roberto de J. Sandoval M. http://www.solucionesencontrol.com/

(0155) 3094 6804
Mexico ETHERPOWER SA de CV Lic. Romina Stolar http://wp.etherpower.com.mx/
+5255 4169-6173
Mexico AC-HW Karel Novotný https://www.ac-hw.com/

+420 723 216 996
Mexico Ventronix inc. Corrado De Gennaro Ventronix

(954) 389-7080
Mexico Annystem Francisco Farías annystem.com/

+55 15365346
Panama ACDEM Technology Solution Ing. Angie Cabrera Rios http://www.acdemsa.com/

Panama AC-HW Karel Novotný https://www.ac-hw.com/

+420 723 216 996
Panama Ventronix inc. Corrado De Gennaro Ventronix

(954) 389-7080
United States FirstLight Amy McGeough FirstLight

United States Grid Connect Rick Rockershousen www.gridconnect.com

+1 (630) 245-1445
Country Company Contact person Web / E-mail / Phone
Australia Nexus World Pty Ltd. Salin Shakya www.nexusworld.com.au

1300 88 90 80
Fiji Mechanical Services Pte Limited Shonal Sharma http://www.mechanicalservicesfiji.com

+679 9999236
South America
Country Company Contact person Web / E-mail / Phone
Argentina Etherpower S.R.L. Miguel Vinitski http://www.etherpower.net

(+5411) 5235-7775
Argentina 2BK S.R.L. Andrés Brumovsky 2BK
Bolivia Etherpower S.R.L. Miguel Vinitski http://www.etherpower.net

(+5411) 5235-7775
Exclusive distributor
TCSolutions Jayme Cosceli http://www.tcsolutions.com.br

+55 (11) 2976-5701
Chile AC-HW Karel Novotný https://www.ac-hw.com/

+420 723 216 996
Chile Ventronix inc. Corrado De Gennaro Ventronix

(954) 389-7080
Colombia Etherpower S.R.L. Miguel Vinitski http://www.etherpower.net

(+5411) 5235-7775
Colombia AC-HW Karel Novotný https://www.ac-hw.com/

+420 723 216 996
Colombia Ventronix inc. Corrado De Gennaro Ventronix

(954) 389-7080
Ecuador CELCO Cia. Ltda. Diana Fernandez https://celco.com.ec/

Paraguay Etherpower S.R.L. Miguel Vinitski http://www.etherpower.net

(+5411) 5235-7775
Peru Etherpower S.R.L. Miguel Vinitski http://www.etherpower.net

(+5411) 5235-7775
Peru AC-HW Karel Novotný https://www.ac-hw.com/

+420 723 216 996
Peru Ventronix inc. Corrado De Gennaro Ventronix

(954) 389-7080
Uruguay Etherpower S.R.L. Miguel Vinitski http://www.etherpower.net

(+5411) 5235-7775
Venezuela AC-HW Karel Novotný https://www.ac-hw.com/

+420 723 216 996
Venezuela Ventronix inc. Corrado De Gennaro Ventronix

(954) 389-7080
Venezuela SYNC Consultores C.A / M2SP Inc Arturo Martin www.sync.com.ve
