Are you looking for a highly functional IoT temperature sensing solution?

Hospitals are required to adhere to prescribed standards and regulations.
To do that, they must ensure temperature monitoring in refrigerators and storage areas where pharmaceuticals and temperature-sensitive items are kept. Employing staff to check individual refrigerators and storages is expensive and also unreliable. The problem calls for a suitable and reliable monitoring device.

A good idea is to use our solution based on a LAN, WiFi or GPRS network.
For this purpose, the best choice is our STE2 device:

  • A thermometer with LAN and WiFi is the perfect fit. This unit will send you an email at a low or high temperature
  • It also calls your cell phone or sends an SMS via an external SMS-GW3 or SensDesk service

Includes humidity and temperature sensors and up to two inputs can be connected

For example, a combination of STE2 and our sensor Pt1000 is an absolutely reliable solution.

Pt1000 is an ideal temperature sensor for storage, food processing, freezers, medical and laboratory environments, agriculture, and many other industrial applications. The Pt1000, is also available in the "frost" version, for use in extreme low-temperature environments.


Take a look at this solution, which describes how to use STE2 in healthcare.

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