HWg-PWR 3/12/25

The HWg-PWR25 captures data from 25 external meters on the M-Bus and connects the data to IP. M-Bus data are available over Web (graphs), SNMP, Emails or Log files. With external M-Bus (EN 13757) meters it can be used for remote monitoring/metering of Electricity power, Heat, Water or Gas consumption. There are standard 3rd party M-Bus compatible meters on the market and you can connect up to 25 external M-Bus meters (electricity, heat, gas, water).

 VerzeDatum vydáníDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 3/12/25 1.3.12

1.3.1204/07/2022 - 14:06268.94 KB
  • Fix: Reading Inepro meters with secondary address
  • Fix: periodic restart
  • Add: EEprom register reading (0xB4) for Inepro electormeters
 VerzeDatum vydáníDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 3/12/25 1.3.10

1.3.1001/15/2021 - 14:35268.37 KB
  • DEL: Remove graph - Flash technology has discontinued support by Adobe
 VerzeDatum vydáníDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 3/12/25 1.3.8

1.3.804/22/2020 - 07:22267.49 KB

Add: support for INEPRO meters

 VerzeDatum vydáníDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 3/12/25 1.3.6

1.3.601/10/2020 - 08:20267.42 KB

Fix: default portal address

 VerzeDatum vydáníDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 3/12/25 1.3.5

1.3.512/16/2019 - 07:26267.42 KB
  • MOD: rounding of numbers using a non-default exponent
  • Add: Sharky 775 meters support
 VerzeDatum vydáníDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 3/12/25 1.3.3

1.3.310/04/2019 - 09:01267.24 KB
  • MOD: Team name length is now max 24 characters and password max. 36 characters
  • Add: Modbus/TCP registers for value in float type
 VerzeDatum vydáníDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 3/12/25 1.2.14

1.2.1404/01/2019 - 15:54265.39 KB
  • Add: Delay function for Alarm on every value - must be longer then Meter MBUS Read Period
  • MOD: datalog files contain values for active meters only
 VerzeDatum vydáníDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 3/12/25 1.2.12

1.2.1211/06/2018 - 13:22264.56 KB

Fix: Work with Schrack meters

 VerzeDatum vydáníDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 3/12/25 1.2.11

1.2.1111/05/2018 - 11:00264.44 KB
  • Fix: Save and export values in Float format, include export datalog to the CSV
  • Add: Support for values in 64bit format (as MGDIZ365-Z and other).
  • Mod: Edits permissions for values.xml file. Now can read without user logging
  • Fix: automatic refresh value on WWW pages
 VerzeDatum vydáníDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 3/12/25 1.2.10

1.2.1010/10/2017 - 08:56264.53 KB
  • Fix: Text information about the maximum number of allowed values on Device page (from 30 to 100)
  • Add: SNMP OID for meter's secondary address in STRING format
 VerzeDatum vydáníDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 3/12/25 1.2.8

1.2.804/13/2017 - 08:23263.15 KB
  • Add: Support Zenner Zahler meters - must be enabled as special meter
 VerzeDatum vydáníDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 3/12/25 1.2.7

1.2.703/31/2017 - 14:28262.69 KB

ADD: new electricity meters

 VerzeDatum vydáníDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 3/12/25 1.2.2

1.2.205/27/2016 - 13:37256.95 KB
  • Fix: repeated addition electrometers with various method of reading M-BUS, but the same M-BUS address now not decreasing the number of connected devices according to the license condition.
  • Add: the option of sending differential datalog in the periodical email. It means not all 2MB has to be sent.
  • Add: Option to update the device directly from the WWW interface
 VerzeDatum vydáníDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 3/12/25 1.1.0 (2)

1.1.0 (2)03/01/2016 - 18:36251.48 KB
  • Fix: default name of the device has been fixed when default mode has been restored, it has been always HWg-PWR, now it is HWg-PWR3, HWg-PWR12 or HWg-PWR25.
  • Fix: Device type in UDP config fixed. The value has been changed according to the name of the device, from now the value is constant: HWg-PWR3, HWg-PWR12, HWg-PWR25 it does not depend on the naming.
  • Fix: If during the mbus meters reading process is obtaining of the variables process started then reading of the meters is stopped.  Loading of the variables is performed and reading continues.
  • Fix: Memory allocation in www server ensured
  • Add: Debug counter on Portal page added
  • Mod: Change of the name and password description on Portal page.
  • Fix: security of passwords in the setup.xml
 VerzeDatum vydáníDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 3/12/25 1.0.14

1.0.1406/05/2015 - 11:04251.05 KB

Fix: Display negative values

 VerzeDatum vydáníDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 3/12/25 1.0.13

1.0.1302/25/2014 - 10:49250.72 KB

Fix: Communication with Itron meters

 VerzeDatum vydáníDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 3/12/25 1.0.11

1.0.1106/27/2013 - 10:15252.82 KB
Fix: Setting the MAC address
 VerzeDatum vydáníDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 3/12/25 1.0.10

1.0.1006/20/2013 - 15:12252.74 KB
Fix: Problem with ABB meters, change M-bus packet max. size. Fix: Timing problem in Kamstrup meters. Add: support M-Bus data type Float. Add: new format Hwg Push protocol. Add: Autopush in Hwg Push protocol. Optimize: memory ussage. Fix: values sorting by id
 VerzeDatum vydáníDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 3/12/25 1.0.9

1.0.901/29/2013 - 14:31244.93 KB
Change format values.xml and setup.xml. Fix broken mbus meter detection Optimizing WWW server Fix HTTP port settings Add "Mbus request type" menu on Meter page.
 VerzeDatum vydáníDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 3/12/25 1.0.8

1.0.807/20/2012 - 13:25245.08 KB
Fix Alarm SNMP Traps Fix Alarm Emails
 VerzeDatum vydáníDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 3/12/25 1.0.5

1.0.503/27/2012 - 10:47243.15 KB
Add sms.asp file
 VerzeDatum vydáníDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 3/12/25 1.0.5

1.0.503/26/2012 - 23:05243.15 KB
Add HWg-Push protocol Add support Elvaco CMa10 sensor Add SSL support for email client (Gmail) Add option in mbus device search: primary or secondary adress
 VerzeDatum vydáníDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 3/12/25 1.0.2

1.0.210/18/2011 - 13:27191.92 KB

First release

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