| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.8.4 | 3.8.4 | 03/11/2023 - 12:48 | 799.98 KB | |
Fix: Upload a long SSL certificates
Fix: Freeze inputs on Damocles2 2404
Fix: Values in HWg-PUSH valuelog for Damocles2 2404
Fix Upload firmware in bad network
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.8.1 | 3.8.1 | 11/30/2022 - 08:26 | 799.79 KB | |
- Add: inserting hostname into TSL when connecting to a mail server
- Add: Support for 1-Wire transistor drivers
- Fix: SNMP walk out from MIB
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.8.0 | 3.8.0 | 08/31/2022 - 08:46 | 798.87 KB | |
Fix freezing when receiving a generic SNMP Trap on different port then SNMP TRAP
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.7.9 | 3.7.9 | 05/20/2022 - 09:56 | 798.89 KB | |
- Correction of control of outputs from the portal
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.7.7 | 3.7.7 | 04/07/2022 - 14:14 | 798.62 KB | |
- Fix: summer/winter time switching control settings
- Fix loss of server, port and enable flag when upgrading from very old fw (1.4.8. and older).
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.7.5 | 3.7.5 | 11/01/2021 - 14:06 | 798.28 KB | |
- Mod: Increased Modbus / TCP stability
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.7.4 | 3.7.4 | 10/24/2021 - 10:58 | 798.27 KB | |
- Fix: Solving the problem of modbus fiber freezing when receiving a pulse. Modbus fibers had a small stack, and if a pulse arrived just during modbus reading, the stack overflowed and death ensued.
- Mod: Increasing the stack of idle fiber, it, like modbus, ran while reading the binary
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.7.3 | 3.7.3 | 10/14/2021 - 12:54 | 798.28 KB | |
Fix: restarting when MQTT is On but ethernet network down
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.7.2 | 3.7.2 | 09/23/2021 - 16:16 | 823.91 KB | |
Fix: Sending mail over gmail.com
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.7.1 | 3.7.1 | 08/31/2021 - 09:37 | 798.09 KB | |
- Add: support for HWg-PUSH XML ver 4.10
- Fix: Patch for the 1-Wire sensors with old bootloader
- Fix: bug when uploading ssl certificate
- Mod: of sending extra push when entering the alarm (now we always push when changing and respect delay and hysteresis)
- Add: Websocket support for faster output response
- Mod: correction of logging of values -1 to portal log
- Mod: default portal is now hwg-cloud.com
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.6.16 | 3.6.16 | 05/28/2021 - 10:11 | 785.96 KB | |
- Add: escaping password in pushi
- Add: escaped character in XML
- Add: escaping of illegal characters in HWg-Push
- Add: extended mqtt by topic macro counter
- Add: Managing exception handler to save crash error in frame log
- Add: Text to the portal.xml website
- Fix: snmp get for non-existent OID, snmp GET .1 crashed Poseidon
- Fix: snmp get in SNMPv3 protocol, the problem was with Get, which contained more than one required OID. The problem was in the buffer overlay for encryption and descriptoring.
- Fix: url address parser
- Mod: Javascript on the SNMP page - the privacy type shelf is still available and can be turned off or on as needed regardless of Auth.Type
- Mod: Manual push correction at zero push period. There is a loop.
- Mod: right snmpv3 according to the needs of the customer and his slightly different snmp client
- Mod: redesigned network state detection
- Mod: snmp trap - the new state of the network is checked and if it is not OK, the traps are waiting in the queue so that they are not lost. It was mainly about PowerUp trap and LinkUp
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.6.12 | 3.6.12 | 01/06/2021 - 10:48 | 783.14 KB | |
- Fix: character care using escape sequences in values.xml and push
- Fix: Apdelta synchronization from portal
- Fix: set time in case of bad time after push
- Mod: xml parser. Newly, the removal of the Esc sequence is performed directly during the parsing process and not during processing
- Mod: autopush method
- Mod: outputs are assigned to the AutoPush. A local change in the value of the output caused a AutoPush
- Mod: a change in the output value from the sensdesk triggered a AutoPush to let the portal know about the changes
- Mod: New default address for MQTT
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.6.10 | 3.6.10 | 09/29/2020 - 16:39 | 781.68 KB | |
- Fix: pushing output and input
- Fix: Pushlog length to 256kB
- Fix: Disable logging and deleting of the log during Check push
- Fix: adjusted pushe uptime / realtime times
- Fix: increasing the size of the data packet in the log to hold more sensors at the same time
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.6.7 | 3.6.7 | 08/11/2020 - 10:53 | 781.56 KB | |
Fix: Sending incorrect MIN MAX and HYST values to the portal when Exp. is other than -1
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.6.6 | 3.6.6 | 08/10/2020 - 08:20 | 781.57 KB | |
- Add: Long pushlog (256kB), The data is sent sequentially after the connection is restored
- Add/Mod: Synchronisation saferange, hysteresis and delay between Portal and devices over HWg-PUSH protocol
- Mod: Autopush function for digital inputs canceled - this function is now connected with the Alarm State option (Alarm State = Disabled => Autopush disabled)
- Add: The Start or End of the Alarm automatically means an extrapush to the portal
- Mod: Increased portal username and password to 64 characters; portal server at 128 characters
- Mod: HTTPS push activated by entering protocol in URL (https: //)
- Mod: If the port for Telnet = 0 (feature disabled), the default port is not listed on the General page
- Fix: System - Load configuration - Added a warning about the need to search for sensors
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.6.3 | 3.6.3 | 03/06/2020 - 14:03 | 764.68 KB | |
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.6.1 | 3.6.1 | 01/24/2020 - 07:19 | 760.39 KB | |
- Mod: Extension of fields for SMTP Server, Username and password (autentification SMTP server), Email Subject Text and Email Sender Address to 64 characters
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.6.0 | 3.6.0 | 01/12/2020 - 11:47 | 759.58 KB | |
- Fix: Counting counters after device restart
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.5.9 | 3.5.9 | 01/06/2020 - 15:49 | 759.51 KB | |
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.5.8 | 3.5.8 | 12/23/2019 - 10:23 | 759.48 KB | |
- Add: new custom version of Poseidon2 support
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.5.4 | 3.5.4 | 10/18/2019 - 09:01 | 746.08 KB | |
- FIX: calculation and saving of private key of user SNMP on change, originally it was only on first saving after restart.
- FIX: FRAM data layout for SNMP user private keys
- FIX: Storing counter in frame - length of stored data
- MOD: Pre-search for users in snmp3aut.c
- MOD: WWW page for SNMPv3 user, AES encryption renamed to AES-128
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.5.2 | 3.5.2 | 09/13/2019 - 10:45 | 746.29 KB | |
Fix: Saves username and password on Virtual outputs page
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.5.0 | 3.5.0 | 08/07/2019 - 07:50 | 745.51 KB | |
Mod: Change the output control order and send alarm messages. Now the outputs are controlled first and then the alarm messages are sent
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.4.15 | 3.4.15 | 08/02/2019 - 12:58 | 745.38 KB | |
- Mod: Significantly faster storage configuration of about 100 - 1000x
- Fix: Fixed source port TCP connection for remote outputs, always was 443 and new is random port.
- Fix: Quick closure of the TCP www server connection when the client is forced to close, even before sending all the required data
- Fix: Eliminate the 2sec delay in the client that controls the virtual outputs
- Add: Adding a configuration save time to detect a change on the ConfigSaveTime portal side
- Mod: Rename the description on the Portal page: User Name to Team, Password to Team Password along the lines of Sensdesk 2.0
- Mod: Change XML version for HWg-Push protocol from 4.02 to 4.03. The change is backward compatible => Push Protocol Variable Extension: [r/w] Portal/Team, Portal/TeamPass and [ro] Agent/ConfigSaveTime
- Mod: Avoid sending pushes for disabled virtual outputs
- Fix: Sending warning SMS via modem when Ethernet is disconnected
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.4.11 | 3.4.11 | 02/04/2019 - 11:00 | 744.78 KB | |
MOD: Allow download spilog.bin and spilog.txt files without autorisation
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.4.10 | 3.4.10 | 01/02/2019 - 09:16 | 744.71 KB | |
- Add: Support time synchronisation time from SensDesk Portal
- Fix: Using diferent IP port then 80 for HWg-Push protocol
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.4.9 | 3.4.9 | 11/08/2018 - 16:24 | 744.27 KB | |
Fix: Repair calculating IP address and mask in IP Stack
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.4.8 | 3.4.8 | 10/12/2018 - 08:36 | 744.29 KB | |
Fix: Repair uptime overflow after 49,71 days
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.4.5 | 3.4.5 | 07/03/2018 - 07:57 | 742.29 KB | |
- MOD: Recover TCP connection of MQTT protocol after loss of connectivity
- MOD: Slower search for sensors after device Start-UP - this does not replace the sensors search on page Sensors, it only allows to determine on which ports the sensors are connected to
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.4.3 | 3.4.3 | 04/05/2018 - 07:09 | 742.07 KB | |
The changes in default configuration is affected the backward compatibility.
- Fix: reading Modbus/TCP registers with counters => convert to 2x 16bit (32bit value in sum)
- Mod. Disabled TCP setup (telnet) in default configuration
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.4.2 | 3.4.2 | 03/14/2018 - 15:12 | 742.16 KB | |
- Fix: SNMP - If Community was not selected, the device responded to a request without a Community. Now Community must be selected
- Fix - Fixed macro statement in MQTT
- Fix: WWW Homepage - Fixed displaing "On if alarm on" in the Outputs view
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.3.15 | 3.3.15 | 01/30/2018 - 07:10 | 738.08 KB | |
MOD: When Alarm is finished on one or more inputs or sensor stop in same time, SMS message has information about all finished Alarms
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.3.14 | 3.3.14 | 01/03/2018 - 17:40 | 738.04 KB | |
Fix: IPv4 filter
Add: Counter state to Push message
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.3.13 | 3.3.13 | 12/14/2017 - 18:35 | 737.96 KB | |
Fix: Read state of inputs after Power-UP
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.3.12 | 3.3.12 | 11/29/2017 - 12:30 | 737.93 KB | |
The update to new FW version will erase the counter status and the HTTPs certificates imported previously!
FIX: XML/XSL transformation in Internet Explorer and Edge
ADD: Input`s Counters in Poseidon2 family - all devices
MOD: Totally redesigned work with inputs Counters in Poseidon2 and Damocles2 devices
FIX: Ajax on Input`s page for reload input values
FIX: Changes name of state for inputs with ID > 154 from Unlock/Lock to On/Off
FIX: Data saving on General Setup page
Add: Enable download SSL private key
FIX: Modification od memory map - IMPORTANT! - after upgrade you will lose data about counters and SSL certificates! Read Condition for this release!
FIX: Data saving for Hysteresis values
MOD: Totally redesigned upgrade of firmware. Added checksum do every file in filesystem, added CRC
MOD: Extension reload timeout after firmware upgrade to 45s
FIX: Changing device name from HWg Config
Add: Added possibility change TCP port for Syslog on General Setup page
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.3.3 | 3.3.3 | 08/21/2017 - 09:47 | 732.99 KB | |
Add: Generate self signed certificate and key
MOD: Internal Watchdog function
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.3.1 | 3.3.1 | 06/26/2017 - 14:26 | 743.5 KB | |
NEW: Syslog settings for each sensor or input
MOD. Syslog message format
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.2.11 | 3.2.11 | 04/05/2017 - 07:40 | 709.2 KB | |
MOD: Length hostname increased to 32 characters
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.2.7 | 3.2.7 | 03/16/2017 - 10:24 | 709.24 KB | |
Fix: Saving hostname
Add: User defined Topic in MQTT
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.2.5 | 3.2.5 | 02/06/2017 - 13:16 | 677.49 KB | |
Fix: Saving variables with index (sensors, DI, DO)
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.2.4 | 3.2.4 | 02/03/2017 - 11:06 | 677.51 KB | |
Fix: Enable/Disable Modbus/TCP
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.2.3 | 3.2.3 | 01/31/2017 - 13:28 | 677.45 KB | |
FIX: Controll Output1 from Sensdesk
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.0.11 | 3.0.11 | 11/08/2016 - 11:42 | 632.96 KB | |
Fix: freezing after pressing F5 and opening many connection at once.
MOD: Faster loading WWW (5 times faster)
Add: support for IPV6 in to UDP Setup.
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.0.10 | 3.0.10 | 11/04/2016 - 11:10 | 632.64 KB | |
Fix: minor issues on WWW pages
Fix: WWW pages for browsers Opera and Edge
Fix: Communication monitor on Inputs page
Mod: Disabled outputs are hidden
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 3.0.9 | 3.0.9 | 11/01/2016 - 14:39 | 632.64 KB | |
Mod: Unified firmware for Poseidon2 and Damocles2 – common functions for both devices
Add: Support of HTTPS
Add: Support of MQTT
Add: Support of IPv6
Add: New bookmark "Security" where you can find security functions and manage the HTTPS certificates. The security function such as setting the filter for IP addresses, names and passwords, newly has been added the function to manage the HTTPS certificates
Add: 5 positions for IP Access filter
Add: Control of Relay DO (Digital Outputs) from SensDesk portal
Add: Virtual outputs to control the outputs from Poseidon2 to Damocles2 and vice versa (Box2Box), the communication goes over TCP/IP protocol and all functions, conditions and characters of physical outputs can be applied.
Mod: The extension of the names of binary inputs up to 32 characters
Mod: Identical web interface and graphics, easier orientation, reverse compatibility
Mod: Unified MIB and XML for both devices – easier implementation into 3rd party systems.
Mod: New design of WWW pages - Must refresh pages CTRL+F5
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 1.4.8 | 1.4.8 | 03/29/2016 - 15:50 | 599.64 KB | |
Add: The number of assigned 1-Wire port added. Function +XML (FW 1.4.7 XML Tag <PortId>) + SNMP (OID, name sensPortID)
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 1.4.6 | 1.4.6 | 02/01/2016 - 10:32 | 599.27 KB | |
Fix: Sending SMS alarms for Humidity sensors
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 1.4.5 | 1.4.5 | 02/17/2016 - 14:20 | 599.29 KB | |
Fix: DHCP renew - Automatic restart of the device if different IP address is assigned by DHCP server
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 1.4.4 | 1.4.4 | 01/26/2016 - 13:38 | 600.54 KB | |
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 1.4.1 | 1.4.1 | 12/10/2015 - 14:46 | 595.76 KB | |
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 1.3.15 | 1.3.15 | 11/24/2015 - 10:57 | 596.77 KB | |
FIX: Ringout When the Alarm begin
Add: Ringout when the Test button is pressed
FIX: Saving the Sync period and the Report Log Period in the Log & Time menu
Fix: Set Default Config from WWW – Clear all the sensors
ADD: Binary (relay) Output state in HWg-PUSH protocol (Sensdesk)
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 1.3.14 | 1.3.14 | 08/24/2015 - 14:45 | 595.73 KB | |
Add: Time zone in minutes
Fix: TLS over GMX
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 1.3.10 | 1.3.10 | 06/11/2015 - 16:19 | 639.97 KB | |
FIX: SNMP - Socket client applications should pass zero in initialization
FIX: HTTP - Variable "securityName" should be protected as well
IMP: VER_NUM_STR (msg.h) used as macro with parameters
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 1.3.9 | 1.3.9 | 05/22/2015 - 19:59 | 598.6 KB | |
Add: an adjustable synchronization period of time on 1/10/24 hours. Bypasses the need for constant communication preventing the failure of some of switches
Mod: Modified behavior of DHCP client. Now it repeating request for allocation of IP addresses after 20, 60, 360, and 900 seconds. Solution for situation when the network boot up before the DHCP server.
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 1.3.8 | 1.3.8 | 05/05/2015 - 09:23 | 639.78 KB | |
Add: Modbus/TCP Settings page - Modmus/TCP Enable/Disable and ModBus/TCP port settings
Add: Detailed information on System page (Product Name, Serial Number, MAC Address, Build of firmware, Compiled time)
Add: Update operating system
Fix: Temperature Unit in 1-Wire UNI sensors (Converter 2xPt100 1W-UNI)
Fix: Hide passwords on Portal and General Settings page
Fix: Password Generation security key (AES128) in SNMPv3
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 1.3.4 | 1.3.4 | 03/26/2015 - 08:44 | 634.53 KB | |
Speed-up response of SNMP
Fix: added support for non-standard agents SNMPv3 (zero msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots and msgAuthoritativeEngineTime)
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 1.3.2 | 1.3.2 | 03/03/2015 - 05:40 | 655.45 KB | |
Add: Pulse timer for Outputs
Add: SNMPv3
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 1.2.11 | 1.2.11 | 07/16/2014 - 14:32 | 626.25 KB | |
Fix: Sending of false values after power up eliminated
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 1.2.10 | 1.2.10 | 07/16/2014 - 14:31 | 625.24 KB | |
Fix: Monitoring of values below zero with Converter 2xPt100 1-Wire UNI
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 1.2.7 | 1.2.7 | 06/24/2014 - 09:47 | 624.45 KB | |
Fix: Periodic LOG file format
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 1.2.5 | 1.2.5 | 06/13/2014 - 09:34 | 619.5 KB | |
Fix: Changed Relay1 a Relay2 Output
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 1.2.3 | 1.2.3 | 05/12/2014 - 12:32 | 619.05 KB | |
Fix: Problem with humidity sensors after reconnection fixed.
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 1.2.2 | 1.2.2 | 04/28/2014 - 12:54 | 617.76 KB | |
Add: option to set the internal temperature units
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 1.2.1 | 1.2.1 | 04/16/2014 - 15:28 | 606.58 KB | |
Add: Relay control via SNMP Traps
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 1.2.0 | 1.2.0 | 03/19/2014 - 16:51 | 605.38 KB | |
Fix: Sending SMS over netGSM (HWg-SMS-GW or other Poseidon with GSM modem)
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 1.1.18 | 1.1.18 | 03/10/2014 - 13:52 | 605.42 KB | |
Fix parsing of the length in SNMP packet
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 1.1.17 | 1.1.17 | 02/25/2014 - 09:59 | 605.43 KB | |
Fix: Fahrenheit vs. Celsius in Safe Range
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 1.1.16 | 1.1.16 | 02/21/2014 - 14:59 | 597.42 KB | |
New: Tag units in Values.xml
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 1.1.15 | 1.1.15 | 02/19/2014 - 11:08 | 597.47 KB | |
Fix: Temperature Units in HWg-PUSH protocol
New: New WWW design
New: New button "Set Default Config" in WWW
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 1.1.10 | 1.1.10 | 11/26/2013 - 13:04 | 821.18 KB | |
Replaced incorrectly compiled version 1.1.9.
For upgrade, enter the page "http://poseidon2_address/upload"
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 1.1.9 | 1.1.9 | 11/21/2013 - 14:39 | 350.66 KB | |
Fix data logging in Poseidon 4002 models
Add full support HWg Push protocol
Move Portal configurations form General Setup to Portal www page
Add Manual push button, Portal Message window and autopush options to Portal WWW page
Fix values data in spilog.bin endian order
Set default GSM modem T35i
Add SSL/TLS protocol to email client
Fix Enable/Disable DHCP procedure.
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 1.0.15 | 1.0.15 | 09/16/2013 - 12:59 | 689.03 KB | |
Fix: binary inputs order
Fix: inputs and outputs naming
| Verze | Datum vydání | Device Firmware | SensDesk Firmware |
Poseidon2 / Damocles2 1.0.14 | 1.0.14 | 09/10/2013 - 14:50 | 689.06 KB | |
First Public release