Supported accessories overview - MBus
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Zařízení HW Group podporují mnoho měřicích přístrojů M-Bus, jako jsou elektroměry, plynoměry, vodoměry, měřiče tepla a další pro dálkové čtení energie. Pokud nenaleznete svůj typ v seznamu podporovaných zařízení, neváhejte nás kontaktovat
Electricity meters
ABB DELTAmax (DHM13007)
DELTAmax is a family of single-phase and three-phase electronic electricity meters for direct and indirect measurement. Thanks to the way their M-bus datagrams are designed, any M-bus product by ABB can be easily supported. -
Advanced Power Meter APM 380
Three-phase electronic electricity meter DEIF APM 380 for direct measurement to 80A -
Three-phase electronic electricity meter for indirect measurement -
DHZ 5(x)/65 M-BUS (DHZ+)
Three-phase electronic electricity meter for direct and indirect measurement up to 65A -
DHZ 5/63-M-BUS
Single-phase electronic electricity meter for direct measurement up to 63A -
ED 310.(I).DB HWG
Electricity meters ED310 are modern, electronic, programmable devices for monitoring consumption and supply of active electricity in the retail consumption area. During development and design, increased attention was paid to comply, with ample margin, with IEC, EN & DIN standards and communication protocol recommendations. ED310 is a poly-phase, electronic, four-tariff electricity meter of active energy of class A or B as per EN 50470-1 and 50470-3 designed for direct (ED310) and indirect (ED310.I) connection. -
Meter 1f PRO1-Mb 45A M-Bus
Single-phase electrocity meter 45A with M-Bus. The PRO1 energy meters are available in a standard, 2-tariff with M-bus and pulse output.The PRO1 energy meter displays a number of instantaneous variables such as voltage, current, active power, reactive power, apparent power, frequency and power factor on the LCD and some via M-Bus. The PRO1 energy meters comply with the Measuring Instruments Directive 2014/32/EU. The MID approval ensures the accuracy and quality of the meter and enables its use in billing purposes. -
Meter 1f PRO2-Mb 100A M-Bus
Single-phase electrocity meter 100A with M-Bus. The PRO2 energy meters are available in a standard, 2-tariff with M-bus and pulse output.The PRO2 energy meter displays a number of instantaneous variables such as voltage, current, active power, reactive power, apparent power, frequency and power factor on the LCD and some via M-Bus. The PRO2 energy meters comply with the Measuring Instruments Directive 2014/32/EU. The MID approval ensures the accuracy and quality of the meter and enables its use in billing purposes. -
Meter 3f PRO380-Mb 100A M-Bus
PRO380-Mb is a static three-phase electrocity meter 100A with M-Bus. The PRO380 energy meters are available in a standard, 2-tariff with M-bus and pulse output.The PRO380 energy meter displays a number of instantaneous variables such as voltage, current, active power, reactive power, apparent power, frequency and power factor on the LCD and some via M-Bus. The PRO380 energy meters comply with the Measuring Instruments Directive 2014/32/EU. The MID approval ensures the accuracy and quality of the meter and enables its use in billing purposes -
Meter 3f PRO380-Mb x/5A M-Bus
PRO380-Mb is a static three-phase electrocity meter <b>indirect measurement</b> with M-Bus. The PRO380 energy meters are available in a standard, 2-tariff with M-bus and pulse output.The PRO380 energy meter displays a number of instantaneous variables such as voltage, current, active power, reactive power, apparent power, frequency and power factor on the LCD and some via M-Bus. The PRO380 energy meters comply with the Measuring Instruments Directive 2014/32/EU. The MID approval ensures the accuracy and quality of the meter and enables its use in billing purposes. -
Single-phase and three-phase electricity meters by EIZ - SCHRACK. Tested with the MGEIZ163-C model -
The PRO370D is a three phase kWh meter type with an LCD display in an exceptional small casing of 4 modules (76mm). This MID approved meter communi-cates via the German M-bus protocol as well as Far Infrared. More than 40 variables can be read out and the meter has secondary addressing, 2 tariffs and a programmable S0 output. -
Saia Burgess ALD1D5FM
Connect the single-phase ALD1 energy meters to the Saia PCD family of devices via an integrated S-Bus, M-Bus or Modbus interface in order to read relevant data such as energy, current, voltage and power (active and reactive). Pre-fabricated FBoxes are available to connect each type of meter. Depending on the interface type, the energy meters are also available in a one-way or two-way (bidirectional) design. The latter allow energy to be measured in both flow directions. -
Saia Burgess ALE3D5FM
Connect the three-phase ALE3 energy meters to the Saia PCD family of devices via an integrated S-Bus, M-Bus or Modbus interface in order to read relevant data such as energy, current, voltage and power (active and reactive). Pre-fabricated FBoxes are available to connect each type of meter. The energy meters are also available in a one-way or two-way (bidirectional) design. The latter allow energy to be measured in both flow directions. -
sensonic® II calculator
Converter to connect ISTA heat meters to M-BUS
Heat meters
MWZ 03
Calorimetric counter for measuring heat and cold. -
Energy calculator for universal use in systems for heating and cooling measuring. -
Sensonic II
Sensonic® is an electronic heat meter. The compact sensonic® II device and the sensonic® II flow sensor support flows of 0.6/1.5/2.5 m3/h. -
SHARKY ultrasonic compact energy meter can be used for measuring the energy consumption in heating / cooling application for billing purposes. -
Ultrasonic compact energy meter.
Water meters
The MULTICAL® 21 / flowIQ® 21xx is a smart water meter based on the latest ultrasonic technology. The meter has no moving parts and maintains its pinpoint accuracy throughout its entire lifetime of up to 16 years.
CMa10 (THI)
CMa10 is an indoor temperature and humidity sensor, which uses standard M-Bus communication. It is equipped with an easy-to-read display and has a message feature which can be used to present information to end-users. CMa10 can be used to enable comfort-level billing which means that residents pay for a specific predetermined temperature in their home.
S0 converters
M-count 2C
Two-channel S0 pulse output converter to M-bus. The number of counted pulses is protected against power outage. Functionality is backed up with an internal, replaceable battery. -
Optical to M-bus converter for ABB electricity meters. -
PadPuls M1
The 1-channel pulse adaptor PadPuls M1 allows the use of meters with pulse output as M -Bus slaves. So for example, data from a simple water or electricity meter can central be read out by M-Bus. -
PadPuls M2
The 2-channel pulse adaptor PadPuls M2 allows the use of up to 2 meters with pulse output as M -Bus slaves. So for example, data from a simple water or electricity meter can central be read out by M-Bus. Optionally the user can activate a tariff function, by which energy or volume pulses can be accumulated in separate meter readings for primary and secondary tariffs.
DEIF MBus interface
Converter from internal DEIF bus to the M-bus standard