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Online cabinet Security Door Control (SDC) with Web & SNMP interface. HWg-SH2 can control front & rear doors of one cabinet. Swinghandle lock access system is controller over IP using documented M2M protocols. With the original HW group software, doors can be opened even with text messages (SMS).
- Local DIN key (Email / SNMP Trap alert)
- Local Door release button
- Web interface of the unit
- Central online software (M2M protocol / HWg-DCD application)
- Ethernet: RJ45 (10/100 Mbps)
- WEB: Built-in Web server
- Protocols: SNMP, Syslog, SMTP (Email)
- Electronic Swing Handles: Two HWg-SH1 (Southco H3-EM - Electronic Locking Swinghandle) supported.
- Inputs: 2 digital inputs (DI) for door contacts (front/back door)
- Local lock: Digital input (dry contact) for door release button or external lock.
Remote Cabinets
HWg ACS (Access Control System)
HWg-SH2 is an IP-based remote cabinet door access control system. Front and rear doors of one cabinet (rack) can be controlled by one HWg-SH2 unit.
The HWg-SH2 is an IP lock control solution for various electronic locks. It is typically used with HWg-SH1 (H3-EM Electronic Locking SwingHandle by Southco) for cabinet door control.
- Supported software
- HWg-DCD: Access control (remote control of rack doors) for data centers
- HWg-Event Viewer: SysLog messages collector. Easily manages centralized report collection from many standalone devices.
- >> Third-party SNMP software
(HP OpenView, IBM Tivoli, Nagios, Zabbix, Cacti, Monitor one, The Dude, Paessler IPCheck, Ipswitch WhatsUp, Axence nVision, CBR little:eye, LoriotPro, GFi NSM, SNMPc 7, CA NSM, ActiveXperts NM, Intellipool NM, MSC Operations Manager 2007)
Limitations of Local Lock use
Limitations when using HWg-SH2 & Local lock (Door release input) for opening the door:
Using the DI input on SH2 to release doors enables you to use any kind of low cost reader (fingerprint or RFID) in any standard.
- When using the DI interface, the web interface of HWg-SH2 will show “Authorised person” as the name of the user who opened the door. (You will not see that “Mr. Black” opened the door, just that it was an “Authorised person”.)
- The SW system will never know who opened the door.
- User database is stored in this external reader. Users cannot be managed over IP.
- The HWg-SH2 enables you to control the locks over IP, and connect the locks to another system.
HWg-SH2: DataCenter Rack Access System
Various electronic locks
The swing handle locks are designed for cabinet access systems. For industrial applications, other locks can be used:
- Southco EM - E-Keeper Electronic Strike
- Southco R4-EM - Electronic Rotary Latch
- DIRAK E-LINE Swinghandle
- DIRAK electronic Swinghandle basic
- EMKA Invisible locking system