VersionRelease dateDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 2.0.11

2.0.1107/20/2012 - 13:27412.79 KB
Fix Alarm SNMP Traps Fix Alarm Emails
 VersionRelease dateDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 2.0.10

2.0.1005/09/2012 - 08:15412.66 KB
 VersionRelease dateDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 2.0.10

2.0.1002/29/2012 - 00:00412.66 KB
Add: New supported Devices Fix: CVS Export Fix ModBus/TCP
 VersionRelease dateDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 2.0.9

2.0.910/10/2011 - 10:32412.66 KB
Fix: MBUS Error converting value type BCD6. The result was always 0.
 VersionRelease dateDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 2.0.8

2.0.809/06/2011 - 09:34412.66 KB
Fix size in ModBus Packet Short watchdog optimize.
 VersionRelease dateDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 2.0.7

2.0.709/02/2011 - 09:37412.66 KB
Fix: Manual add meter
 VersionRelease dateDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 2.0.7

2.0.708/25/2011 - 15:22412.66 KB
Translate Web pages descriptions. Fix some internal bug.
 VersionRelease dateDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 2.0.5

2.0.504/21/2011 - 16:22412.66 KB
- automatically generated list of Modbus parameters has been added - redesign of log engine. WARNING the device with the FW version minor than 2.0.3 will lose logged data !!!!!. Fw 2.0.3 is available on address http://new.hwg.cz/download/fw/version/hwg-pwr_2-0-3.hwg - M-BUS, the possibility of change of primary address in the device has been added.
 VersionRelease dateDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 2.0.3

2.0.304/21/2011 - 16:21373.23 KB
- new configuration engine, WARNING: In device with firmware version 1.0.x configuration is set to factory settings !!!! - www http code size optimize - www change tree panel - improved ethernet driver - improved support of DHCP servers - automatically generated list of SNMP parameters has been added - fix enabled of saverange of variable - add Modbus/TCP Protocol - add www page Graph Config - Add periodic billing mail - change of control of the size of loading FW from 400kB to 500kB - New Setup.xml and log format WARNING the device with the FW version minor than 2.0.0 will lose logged data !!!!!.
 VersionRelease dateDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 1.0.10

1.0.1002/07/2011 - 14:40380.53 KB
FIX: SNMP function GET
 VersionRelease dateDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 1.0.9

1.0.912/08/2010 - 12:28380.53 KB
ADD: MBUS secondary addressing mode
Change: MBUS search algorithm using the secondary address
ADD: Support ABB Meter, tested on DBM23000 and OD1056+OA-4108-2002-1 Mbus adapeter
ADD: value money calculation
 VersionRelease dateDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 1.0.5

1.0.510/13/2010 - 17:34364.61 KB
- ADD: option of priority of e-mail
- ADD: Periodic sending of e-mail, correction of timing
- ADD: Insert the attachments in the sending e-mails, according to the types
- ADD: Implementation of unique ID of MBUS variables
- ADD: support of inputs contacts
- ADD: Extension of SNMP support, possibility of write
- FIX: Improvement of display of WWW pages in Demo mode
- FIX : Improvement of applet of graph, faster display, possibility of resize
- NEW: Various graphics changes on WWW pages
 VersionRelease dateDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 1.0.2

1.0.207/09/2010 - 13:00292.45 KB
Treti testovaci verze
 VersionRelease dateDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 1.0.1

1.0.107/08/2010 - 17:51292.16 KB
Druha testovaci verze
 VersionRelease dateDevice FirmwareSensDesk Firmware

HWg-PWR 1.0.0

1.0.007/08/2010 - 13:11316.51 KB
First Public Release

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