Temp-485-Pt100 Cable3

Product run-out

Temperature probe on a cable with a RS-485 converter in a wall-mount box.
The probe (included) is on a 2m cable in a stainless-steel rod.

The sensor can be used separately or connected to a Poseidon2 4002 unit. 

  • Environment: Indoor or outdoor use – IP65, wall mount
  • Supplied probe: External Pt100 temperature probe (stainless steel housing, 2m cable)
  • External probe measured temperature range: –50°C to +200°C (–58°F to +390°F)
  • Operating temperature: The converter works from –30 to +70°C (–22 to +160°F)
  • Interface: RS-485, terminals
  • Compatible with: Poseidon2 4002
  • Power supply: From the Poseidon (12V), or 10..35VDC
Applications and usage: 

Typical applications include measuring temperature in places that can be flooded with water, or an environment with moisture condensation.

Horizontal menu

The temperature probe is separated from the converter to enable a wider range of measured temperatures and easier installation in certain applications.

- Measuring element on the cable: Pt100/A, IP67 protection
- Cable 2m, shielded silicone
- Rod length: 50 mm
- Probe connection: 4-wire 
- Enclosure material: 17240 stainless steel
- Converter ext. dimensions: 62 x 95 x 35 mm
- Converter protection: IP65 (EN 60 529)
- Supply voltage: 10 to 35 VDC  (protected against polarity reversal)
- Consumption while measuring:  typ. 2 mA
- Consumption during   RS-485 transmission: typ. 60 mA 
- Wire connection:  CUU 2.5 mm2 terminals

RS-485 bus                                

- Communication: ASCII (9600Bd 8N1) 
- Address configuration:software configuration or jumpers
- Termination:  can be enabled with a DIP switch