Product run-out
Temperature probe for very low temperatures with a RS-485 converter in a wall-mountable box.
The sensor is designed for connection with Poseidon2 4002 for data transmission and power supply.
- Probe temperature range: -190 to +150°C (-310 to +300°F)
- Accuracy: ±(0,4 + 0,005|t|) [°C] (minimum immersion 80mm, in the -100°C to +150°C range)
- Converter operating conditions: –30 to +70°C (-22 to +160°F), relative humidity max. 85%
- Environment: Indoor or outdoor use – IP65, wall mount
- External probe: External Pt100 sensor for sub-zero temperatures (stainless steel housing, 2m cable)
- Interface: RS-485, terminals
- Compatible with: Poseidon2 4002
- Power supply: From the Poseidon (12V), or 10..35VDC
- Temperature monitoring in pharmaceutical or freezing works.
- Accurate temperature monitoring in food processing
- Temeprature monitoring in civil engineering and industrial ovens
The external temperature probe (included) is in a stainless-steel housing on a 2m PTFE cable.
Sensor properties\
- Measuring element on the cable:Pt100/B, IP67 protection
- Cable: 2m, PTFE
- Rod length: 50 mm
- Probe connection: 4-wire
- Enclosure material17240 stainless steel'
- Converter ext. dimensions: 62 x 95 x 35 mm
- Converter protection: IP65 (EN 60 529)
- Supply voltage: 10 to 35 VDC (protected against polarity reversal)
- Consumption while measuring: typ. 2 mA
- Consumption during RS-485 transmission: typ. 60 mA
- Wire connection: CUU 2.5 mm2 terminals
RS-485 bus
- Communication: ASCII (9600Bd 8N1)
- Address configuration: software configuration or jumpers
- Termination: can be enabled with a DIP switch