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  • The product has been added to the comparator.
  • The product has been added to the comparator. subscription plans is a paid service provided by HW group company for remote monitoring all devices & sensors.

It's online public portal service (Saas), only the HW group products can be connected. The service offers a central overview of all the values, provides sending the alarms, reporting, outputs into the Open API etc

On the service is one month testing account. To pay the services you can choose one of year based subscription plans. 



Licence type: 

The subscription plan code is several digits code. Order it from your HW group distributor, or from our online shop:

When you have the code, apply it in your account (Team settings page) and activate or prolong paid service in this way.

Path to entering subscription plan for subscription plans
• 5D Alerts subscription plan / 1 year 
• 10D Log subscription plan / 1 year 
• 25D Alerts & Log subscription plan / 1 year






Alerts & Log

Device limit 5 10 25
Users limit 1 2 3
E-mail Alerts yes yes yes
SMS/ Voice call Alerts (month limit) 40 (3€) 75 (5€) 100 (7€)
Email Alerts unlimited unlimited unlimited
Log DB (days) 30 365 730*
PDF reports and Multigraphs 1 2 5
Open API (SNMP, XML) Yes Yes Yes
HWg Monitor - mobile pp Yes Yes Yes
Price/ Year 158 € 515 € 1 309 €

*) Data are stored with history of 730 days, but subscription plan (using the portal, receiving new data) is paid for 1 year only.

Subscription price is based on mix of Device limit + other services.
Sensors are not limitted, only by physical capacity of each device.


Why to pay for the portal?
•    All Devices / sensor settings / Alarm trigger values are managed in one place.
•    The can detect a failure of power or Internet connection (of the device), and can alert to. 
•    The provides 

- SMS messages and Voice Call alarms

- Graphs / Multi-graphs

- Products filtering 

- PDF reports

- Long-term storage of measured values

- Display values from anywhere

- Open API (XML and SNMP) for all the sensors features

  • The number (max limit) of Devices is limited by the subscription plan.
  • The number of Sensors, DI and DO is not limited at all 
  • The price of a subscription plan is a combination of connected devices + mix of portal services.


  • The portal displays Graphs of sensors’ values. 
  • The MultiGraphs can combine different quantities (from different devices) in a single graph. 
  • From the portal web, the DO (relay outputs) can be controlled (Manually / Actions).
  • When an alarm occurs, can call (Voice Call) and send an SMS.
  • sends CSV or PDF reports (graph + record of alarms).


  • The system supports several users to operate a single Team (company).
  • Open API: Whole Team list of sensors are available via SNMP / XML
  • Mobile App HWg Monitor can visualize all sensors in user account.
  • Remote Device Management: Remote FW upgrade for some products


  • More than 30 different devices can be connected to the
  • The service supports more than 50 different Sensors & Detectors
  • Compatible devices are connected to the Internet using 

- LAN / WiFi
- GSM / LTE 
- NB-IoT


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