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Sensors measuring Air quality / TVOC

The sensors you connect to the RJ11 port (1-Wire) or RJ45 port (RS-485) on the HW group monitoring device. The sensors provide a continuous value of, for example, -23.4 ° C or 32.7% RH. Device monitoring (SensDesk) can monitor the safe range of values and send an email or SMS alert when changing outside the value range. You can use sensors from the HW group only.

1-Wire UNI

  • Sensor THPVoc 1W-UNI

    Temperature, Humidity, atmospheric Pressure, TVoc sensor (-30 to 70 °C, 0 to 100% RH, 300 – 1 000 hPa, 0 – 60 000 ppb), indoor box with RJ11 (1-Wire UNI) interface.

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