In a user-defined period, the IP WatchDog2 Industrial checks the status (OK / Failure) of an external device or system using ICMP PING, a web page, or RS-232 serial data. It detects failure by sending active PING requests or waiting for a periodic Heartbeat signal.
Each output channel can also be restarted manually from the main page (password protected).
A built-in web server is used for configuration.
Device Failure Detection – 5 + 1 Methods:
- Outgoing PING: IP WatchDog2 sends PING requests periodically.
- Incoming PING: IP WatchDog2 waits for a PING from the monitored device (heartbeat).
- WWW page request (Web client): IP WatchDog2 checks if a defined web page on the external device is accessible.
- WWW page (Web server): IP WatchDog2 waits for a request from the external device for its internal web page.(heartbeat).
- Requested RS-232 string: IP WatchDog2 waits for a specified character sequence on the RS-232 data line.(heartbeat).
- Manual reboot: A human operator can manually reboot the channel (output).
Outputs and Channels
- 2 Physical DO (relay) Outputs on the device / 12 Detection Channels
- 12 channels for failure detection are available in single IP WatchDog2 Industrial device
- One IP WatchDog2 can restart or power cycle 2 physical devices (2x DO with 230V/16A NO/NC relay).
- Other channels can detect a failure state and reboot remote Virtual Outputs (external Poseidon2 or Damocles2 devices).
- 12x failure detection Channels
- 2x physical DO Relay (NO/NC 230V/16A AC)
- Device Failure Detection – 5 + 1 Methods
- Alert: SNMP Trap
- RS-232 can be used for failure detection
- Alert: E-mail (via Portal or SMTP server)
- Alert: SMS+Ring (via external GSM gateway or a modem)
- Connected via LAN. Configuration via built-in web server.
- Data logger for up to 200 records. With the HWg-PDMS software logged data can be exported to MS Excel.
- Compatible with a range of third party SW (SCADA etc.). Examples for programmers on using the product are available in the HWg-SDK (Borland C++, MS Visual, VB, C#, PHP, JAVA and more).
Activation of a backup internet link in case the primary link fails.
Restarting irresponsive device connected to LAN.
Resetting or power cycling of remote devices.
- Routers and switches
- WiFi APs
- IP cameras
- PCs
- etc.
Who needs this product?
The IP WatchDog device replaces a human who would have to travel many kilometers or hours to a remote site in order to just flip the power switch off and on. Thanks to the "IP WatchDog", the device is power-cycled without human intervention. Often, end users don’t even notice that something wasn´t working.
- Remote restart of kiosks (manual/automatic)
- Autonomous restarting of Electrical charger units
- Keep working complex system of 3-10 different devices
- IP cameras connection verification
- Automatic start of backup LTE internet connectivity
Standalone (no portal) alerting options
- Channel can alert (send a notification) by SNMP Trap
- Channel can alert user by email (via SMTP server)
- Channel can alert user by SMS + Voice Call ring (device HWg-SMS-GW3 gateway in the same LAN is required).
WatchDog2 as part of the remote monitoring system
- The device can be monitored remotely over the internet using SensDesk Technology portal
- Device can be listed in HWg Monitor mobile App.
- WatchDog2 devices can be connected to HWg Windows software HWg-PDMS and HWg-Trigger.
Compare IP Watchdog2 Industrial and Lite
Why use the SensDesk Technology portal?
IP WatchDog2 devices can be connected to any SensDesk Technology portal:
- Free
- paid
- 3rd party Portal providers
Why to connect device to the portal:
- Portal shows a graph for each output (channel) restart
- History overview in PDF reports
- All current states in your pocket (Mobile Apps)
- Portal can alert you when device is not reachable (connected to public internet)
- Portal can inform you about local restart by
- Email from the portal
- SMS from the portal
- Voice Call from the portal
HWg Video Flyer about IP WatchDog2 Industrial device
Application Note: Use IP WatchDog’s remote reboot for automatic repair or full system restart
IP WatchDog is a device designed to manually or automatically restart a connected product or whole system by power reboot (short power off).
Nobody integrates this product into a project from scratch, but using IP WatchDog anyone can solve many “strange” problems.
Recommended products subscription plans is a paid service with a monthly testing account. To pay you can choose one of year based subscription plans.
IP WatchDog2 Lite
Detector of internet connection or LAN connected device failure with the ability of its automated restart and notifications
Poseidon2 3468
Remote monitoring and control for industrial applications with 230 V/10 A relay outputs.