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Selector of sensors fasten guide of devices, available for measurement of different technical and physical units. Please select type of sensing, available accessories will be displayed.


  • 100A DC Current probe 1W-UNI

    Sensor for direct measuring of DC current of up to 100A

  • 30A AC Current probe 1W-UNI 2

    30A Current probe 1W-UNI 2

  • 30A DC Current probe 1W-UNI

    Sensor for direct measuring of DC current of up to 30A

  • AirFlow sensor 5101

    AirFlow sensor 5101, sensor switches relay, when air-flow step up over setting level.

  • Converter 2xPt100 1W-UNI

    Double converter to connect two Pt-100 and Pt-1000 probes to 1-Wire UNI (RJ11). One or two external temperature probes can be monitored over LAN Poseidon2) and GSM (Ares).

  • Door contact MK4

    Security Door contact MK4 with 2m connection wiring.

  • ED 310.DB HWG

    3 phase 380V M-Bus energy meter for direct measuring (max load 63A). Pulses & M-Bus data output - 3x230V/400V, (5)63A.

  • ED 310.I.DB HWG

    ED 310.DB HWG is a static three-phase, two-tariff electricity meter for indirect measurement with 5A inputs, with M-Bus and S0 interfaces – 3x230V/400V, 5A

  • Expander 4xDI 1W-UNI

    Expansion module for connection of 4 dry contact inputs to Ares and Poseidon units. Connect another button, door contact, smoke detector etc. to the 1-Wire UNI bus (RJ11).

  • Expander 4xDI 1W-UNI Industrial

    Expansion module for connection of 4 dry contact inputs to Ares and Poseidon units. Connect another button, door contact, smoke detector etc. to the 1-Wire UNI bus (RJ11).

  • Flood detector 1W-UNI 3m

    Water flood sensor (point detection) with 1W-UNI interface.

  • Gas Leak Detector

    Detector for indication of flammable gas presence.

  • HTemp CO2 485-RTU

    CO2 concentration, temperature and humidity interior sensor with RS485 interface

  • HTemp HomeBox

    Combined temperature sensor -30 ° C to +70 ° C and humidity sensor 0-100% RH, for wall mounting RJ11 (1-Wire)

  • HTemp-1-Wire Outdoor

    Temperature and humidity sensor for outdoor use.

  • HTemp-1Wire 3m

    Digital temperature and humidity sensor for indoor and outdoor use.

  • HTemp-1Wire Rack 19

    Combined temperature and humidity probe for IT environment.

  • HTemp-1Wire-Box2

    Wall mount temperature and humidity sensor.

  • HTemp-485 Box2

    Combined temperature and humidity sensor for vertical wall mounting indoor usage. Communication over RS-485 bus with a simple communication protocol. The sensor can be used separately but it was designed to be connected with thePoseidon family units.

  • Htemp-485 Modbus RTU T3411

    Temperature and humidity sensor Htemp-485 Modbus RTU T3411. IP40 allows outdoor usage. Measured values are shown on a display and transmitted to the system over RS-485. The sensors can be therefore used alone or with Perseus units.

  • Htemp-485 Modbus RTU T3419

    Temperature and humidity sensor Htemp-485 Modbus RTU T3419. IP40 shielding allows outdoor usage. Measured values are shown on a display and transmitted to the system over Modbus RTU. The sensors can be therefore used alone or with Poseidon units.

  • HTemp-485 T3411

    Temperature and humidity sensor HTemp-485 T3411. IP40 allows outdoor usage. Measured values are shown on a display and transmitted to the system over RS-485. The sensors can be therefore used alone or with Poseidon units.

  • HTemp-485 T3419

    Temperature and humidity sensor HTemp-485 T3419. IP40 shielding allows outdoor usage. Measured values are shown on a display and transmitted to the system over RS-485. The sensors can be therefore used alone or with Poseidon units.

  • Humid-1Wire (1m, 3m, 10m)

    Humidity probe (0 - 100% RH) designed for IT environment.

  • Light 1Wire-UNI

    Simple light intensity sensor for indoor use. The sensor is designed for use with Poseidon and Ares devices via 1-Wire UNI bus (RJ11).

  • M-Count 2C

    2x S0 datalogger and converter to M-Bus (2x pulse input (S0) / M-Bus output)

  • Meter 1f PRO1-Mb 45A M-Bus

    Single-phase electricity meter 45A with M-Bus

  • Meter 1f PRO2-Mb 100A M-Bus

    Single-phase electricity meter 100A with M-Bus

  • Meter 3f PRO380-Mb 100A M-Bus

    3 phase 380V M-Bus energy meter for direct measuring (max load 100A). Pulses & M-Bus data output - 3x230V/400V, 100A.

  • Meter 3f PRO380-Mb x/5A M-Bus

    Three-phase electricity meter indirect measurement, MID approved. Pulses & M-Bus data output - 3x230V/400V, 100A.

  • Motion PIR Detector

    PIR Motion Detector

  • Optical Smoke Detector FDR26

    Optical Smoke Detector FDR26 for smoke detection and fire alarm signalization.

  • PHTemp-485 Modbus RTU T7410

    Temperature, humidity, barometric pressure and dew point temperature sensors. For indoor use. Measured values are shown on a display and transmitted to the system over Modbus RTU. The sensors can be used alone, or with Poseidon units.

  • PHTemp-485 T7410

    Temperature, humidity, barometric pressure and dew point temperature sensors. For indoor use. Measured values are shown on a display and transmitted to the system over RS-485. The sensors can be used alone, or with Poseidon units.

  • Power Detector

    Detector of 110/230V voltage failure, which can be connected directly to a wall plug. Galvanic insulated relay output (NO) can be connected to any digital input (DI) of any HW grup product.

  • PowerEgg2

    PowerEgg2 detects failures of a power supply and can be also controlled with a relay.

  • PRO1-Mod 0,25-45A ModBus MID

    Single-phase electricity meter 45A with ModBus

  • PRO2-Mod 0,25-100A ModBus MID

    Single-phase electricity meter 100A with ModBus

  • PRO380-Mod 0,25-100A ModBus MID

    3 phase 380V ModBus energy meter for direct measuring (max load 100A). Pulses & ModBus data output - 3x230V/400V, 100A.

  • probe Pt100 TG8

    probe Pt100 TG8

  • Probe Pt100 TR125 2m

    Temperature probe Pt100/B for low temperatures. Temperature range -190 to +150°C. PTFE covered cable 2m, 4-wires, IP67 probe in in stainless steel tube 50mm.

  • Relay Output 1W-UNI

    External Relay output 1W-UNI module allows to expand Ares 12 functionality by remote control of up to 4 relay outputs with a dry contact (NO/NC) capable of up to 50V / 1A load.

  • Relay Output 1W-UNI Industrial

    External Relay output 1W-UNI module allows to expand Ares 12 functionality by remote control of up to 4 relay outputs with a dry contact (NO/NC) capable of up to 50V / 1A load.

  • Sensor 0-20mA 1W-UNI

    Converter with isolated 0-20 mA AI (Analog Input) for external source probes and RJ11 output (1W-UNI).

  • Sensor 230V AC 1W-UNI

    The sensor is designed for measuring of AC voltage in the range 100 - 250V AC.

  • Sensor 4-20mA 1W-UNI

    Converter with isolated 4-20 mA AI (Analog Input) for external current sink probes and RJ11 output (1W-UNI).

  • Sensor 60V 1W-UNI v2

    Electrically isolated voltage sensor for up to 60VDC with 1Wire-UNI output.

  • Sensor CO2 1W-UNI

    Combined Temperature (-0 to +50 °C), Relative Humidity (RH 0-95%) and CO2 (300 - 40000 ppm) sensor in one box. RJ11 interface (1-Wire UNI bus)

  • Sensor THPVoc 1W-UNI

    Temperature, Humidity, atmospheric Pressure, TVoc sensor (-30 to 70 °C, 0 to 100% RH, 300 – 1 000 hPa, 0 – 60 000 ppb), indoor box with RJ11 (1-Wire UNI) interface.

  • Sensor WLD Relay 1W-UNI

    A universal WLD (Water Leak Detection) sensor, with one WLD sensing cable input and 2 kind of outputs (1W-UNI sensor and relay output).

  • Temp HomeBox

    Temperature sensor -30 ° C to +70 ° C for wall mounting RJ11 (1-Wire)

  • Temp-1W-UNI Pt100 Cable

    Temp-1W-UNI Pt100 Cable

  • Temp-1W-UNI Pt100 Frost

    Pt-100 based low temperatures sensor with 1-Wire UNI output.

  • Temp-1Wire 3m calibrated - On request

    Temperature sensor (-10°C to +80°C)

  • Temp-1Wire IP67 (1m, 3m, 10m)

    Temperature sensor with IP67 protection for general use.

  • Temp-1Wire Pt100

    High precision temperature sensor -50 °C to +200 °C - ideal temperature sensor for storages, food processing, freezers, medical and laboratory environments, agriculture and industrial applications.

  • Temp-1Wire Pt100 Frost

    Precise industrial temperature sensor -200 to +160 °C

  • Temp-1Wire Rack 19

    Temperature sensor designed for the IT environment.

  • Temp-1Wire-Flat 3m

    A stainless steel temperature probe with a flat cable.

  • Temp-1Wire-Outdoor 3m

    Outdoor temperature sensor with IP67 protection

  • Temp-485 Box2

    Temperature sensor for indoor usage at RS-485 bus with a simple communication protocol. The sensor can be used separately but is designed for connection to the Poseidon measuring unit and transmit temperature over SNMP, WEB

  • Temp-485-Pt100 Box2

    Temp-485-Pt100 Box2

  • Temp-485-Pt100 Cable3

    Temp-485-Pt100 Cable3

  • Temp-485-Pt100 Frost2

    Temp-485-Pt100 Frost2

  • Vibration detector SS14

    SS14 detects shocks and vibrations.

  • Vibration detector SS14-v2

    SS14 v2 detects shocks and vibrations.

  • WLD sensing cable A

    WLD sensing cable type A. Water is detected along the entire length of the WLD sensing cable.

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